Marie-Josée Hamel

I am the Mines Action Canada intern posted in Bogota, Colombia, and will be working with the Colombian Campaing against Landmines from March to August 2013. I am originally from Quebec city, but has been living in Montreal for the last three years. I hold a BA in International Development Studies from Laval University and a MA in International Studies from the University of Montreal. My fields of interests are Latin American geopolitics, human rights (especially children’s rights) as well as education in developing countries. I am really excited about this challenging experience, as I will get more familiar with education in situations of emergencies in the Colombian context. I also lived in Chile, Benin and Turkey where I was an intern in  defense relations section of the Canadian Embassy, participated in environmental education projects with Oxfam-Quebec and worked as an English teacher. I am convinced that working with the Colombian Campaign against Landmines will allow me to develop a sound knowledge of how mine action projects are carried out and deliver concrete results and I do believe this placement can be a springboard towards a human rights/education/development focused career. In everyday life, I love travelling, street food (and food in general), running and basically enjoying whatever life has to offer!


4 thoughts on “Marie-Josée Hamel”

  1. Catherine et Isa said:

    Bonjour grand minou! Nous sommes heureuses de pouvoir suivre ton périple par ce blog, merci à ta maman! Enjoy😃
    Isabelle et Catherine, les filles de l’île xx

  2. Hamel Gabriel said:

    Hi Marie-Josée, I just want to tell you that I found your May 1st 2013 blog very interesting, I can see behind that a person deeply involved in your observations about Bogota’s Street, it shows equally that you care a lot about human being.

    • mariejosee2013 said:

      Merci Papa! Je suis très contente de savoir que tu suis mes péripéties à travers mon blog! xxx

  3. Marie-Eve Gagnon said:

    Salut Marie
    je t’attends avec une bouteille de rouge à ton retour…:)))
    J’espère que ton expérience te comble, je te dirai pas ce qui se passe à monk, tu vas faire des cauchemars….C’est du pareil au même finalement, rien de neuf sous le soleil crevant et pesant de montréal beach.
    prends soin de toi
    gros bisou
    Marie-Eve infirmière exaspérée de la clinique de broche à foin

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